Nedavno je Bubamaro donio svoju malu slikovnicu i svoj mali drveni vlakić i pokazao mi: „vidi, mama, ko moj“. Naime, skužio je da je na slici u slikovnici lokomotiva vrlo slična njegovoj. Onda smo pronašli i bubu slično ovoj na lijevoj slici, jer ako ičega ima u mojoj kući, to su sasvim sigurno autići, a pogotovo bube.
Recently my son brought me his picture book and a wooden train and showed me: look, mummy, it' like mine“. He realized that the train in the picture looked a lot like the one he has. Then we found a beetle-car a lot like the picture in the left, cause if there's anything you can find in my house, it's toy cars.
Tako Bubamaro ima autić i vlakić ko u slikovnici, a ja sam htjela kapu „ko u Once upon a time“. Pattern Foliage mi se činio najbliži, a vuna koja mi se muva u stashu već godinama mi se činila dovoljno dobra za taj misty čipkasti osjećaj. Iskreno, toliko je dugo imam da uopće nemam etiketa, ali mi se čini da je sastav bio nešto kao 80% moher-20% akril. Znam samo iz prošlih projekata da a) malo bocka i pušta dlačice i b) dobro se ravna na paru.
So, Bubamaro has a car and a train just like the ones in the book, and I wished for myself a hat just like the one in Once upon a time. Pattern Foliage seemed like the closest one, and the yarn that's been in my stash for years seemed appropriate to get that misty lacy feel. To be honest, I've had that yarn for so long I couldn't find any labels, but I think it was something like 80% mohair – 20% acrylic. I just know from other projects that it's a little pokey and it's good for steamblocking.
Na kraju sam je plela dva dana, s tim da mi je trebao jedan dan za isplesti cijeli čipkasti dio, a onda sam se drugi dan z*?!#%ala s ovim uskim oko glave. Prvo mi nije bilo dovoljno vune, pa sam išla parati jedan neuspjeli šal koji je ispao preširok i prekratak da bi bio upotrebljiv. Problem je što se ova vuna jako teško para ako je kukičana, tako da je to koštalo i živaca i vremena. Kad sam je dovršila, skužila sam da će biti puno boljeg oblika ako je napravim kao dvostruku kapu, tako da ispod čipke ima jedan sloj glatkog boda. Još dva dana prilično dosadnog posla, ali vrijedilo je truda, jer sad bolje i izgleda i grije.
I ended up knitting the hat in two days; the first day was enough to make the entire lacy part, and the other day for the brim. First I didn't have enough yarn, so I had to unravel a part of a failed scarf that turned out too wide and too short to be useful. The problem is that this yarn is awful for unraveling, especially after crocheting, to it cost me a lot of time and nerves. After I finished it, I decided it would have a much better shape as a double hat, with a layer of stockinette underneath the lace. Another two days of boring work, but it was worth it, as it now not only looks better but keeps me warmer as well.
Naravno, čim sam je dovršila temperatura je porasla sa 0 na 15 stupnjeva.
Of course, as soon as I finished it, temperature went from 0 to 15 degrees Celsius.
četvrtak, veljače 23, 2012
petak, veljače 10, 2012
Jesenas su mi bile jako privlačne ove boje sirove vune, pa sam poželjela jednu cabled kapu i efektan cowl u toj kombinaciji. Inače sam primijetila da normalni ljudi obično kupuju komplet kapa-rukavice-šal u istoj boji, i to koja se slaže s kaputom. Mi pletilje se ravnamo nekim drugim kriterijima, pa na kraju izađem iz kuće s kapom u jednoj boji, rukavicama u drugoj, i šalom u trećoj, plus šarena torba, naravno isto handmade.
This fall I felt very attracted to the colors of raw wool, so I wished for a cabled hat and a cute cowl in this comination. I noticed normal people usually buy a set of matching scarf, hat and gloves. Us knitters go by some different criteria, so I end up leaving the house with a hat in one color, gloves in another, and a scarf in yet another, with the addition of a handmade colorful bag.
Tako sam kupila prirodnu nebojanu vunu Sheperds own, što mi se taj čas činilo kao dobra ideja. Pipala sam, pipala i racionalizirala „pa ne bocka puno, a prava vuna sigurno najljepše grije“. Kad sam napravila kapu, uvjerila sam se da zaista fantastično grije, i onda se bacila na cowl.
So I bought a natural, non-dyed wool Shepherds Own, which seemed like a good idea at the time. I felt it, and felt it and rationalized „it's not too pokey, and real wool will keep me warm“. After I finished the hat, I found out it really keeps me warm, so I went on with knitting a cowl.
Međutim, iako se ne sjećam da mi je kapa u početku smetala, nakon nekoliko tjedana počela me bockati i svrbiti i izluđivati. U međuvremenu sam došla do malo više od pola šala, ali me prošla volja ta pletenjem, odjednom mi se čini grozno neudoban. Tako da sam ga spremila na spavanje, a ja se bacila na drugačije projekte, dok mi se opet ne učini kao dobra ideja.
However, although I don't remember the hat bothering me at first, after a few weeks it started to itch and drive me crazy. In the meantime I had already knit more than half of the cowl, but the itchiness of the wool made me loose interest, all of a sudden it seemed awfully uncomfortable. So the project went to sleep until it seems like a good idea again.
This fall I felt very attracted to the colors of raw wool, so I wished for a cabled hat and a cute cowl in this comination. I noticed normal people usually buy a set of matching scarf, hat and gloves. Us knitters go by some different criteria, so I end up leaving the house with a hat in one color, gloves in another, and a scarf in yet another, with the addition of a handmade colorful bag.
Tako sam kupila prirodnu nebojanu vunu Sheperds own, što mi se taj čas činilo kao dobra ideja. Pipala sam, pipala i racionalizirala „pa ne bocka puno, a prava vuna sigurno najljepše grije“. Kad sam napravila kapu, uvjerila sam se da zaista fantastično grije, i onda se bacila na cowl.
So I bought a natural, non-dyed wool Shepherds Own, which seemed like a good idea at the time. I felt it, and felt it and rationalized „it's not too pokey, and real wool will keep me warm“. After I finished the hat, I found out it really keeps me warm, so I went on with knitting a cowl.
Međutim, iako se ne sjećam da mi je kapa u početku smetala, nakon nekoliko tjedana počela me bockati i svrbiti i izluđivati. U međuvremenu sam došla do malo više od pola šala, ali me prošla volja ta pletenjem, odjednom mi se čini grozno neudoban. Tako da sam ga spremila na spavanje, a ja se bacila na drugačije projekte, dok mi se opet ne učini kao dobra ideja.
However, although I don't remember the hat bothering me at first, after a few weeks it started to itch and drive me crazy. In the meantime I had already knit more than half of the cowl, but the itchiness of the wool made me loose interest, all of a sudden it seemed awfully uncomfortable. So the project went to sleep until it seems like a good idea again.
subota, veljače 04, 2012
četvrtak, veljače 02, 2012
Sivo i ženstveno / Grey and feminine
Kad netko non stop plete, kao ja, stvarno je neugodno da dođe zima, a da netko u mojoj obitelji mora kupit kapu. Sad je ispalo da jedina koju još nisam ukapila je moja mama, što je vrlo ironično jer ona ne samo da me rodila, nego me i naučila plesti.
To ćemo svakako ispravit do sljedeće zime, a u međuvremenu, ova je kapa išla mojoj svekrvi:
When someone knits all the time, like I do, it's really embarrassing if the winter comes, and someone in my family has to buy him or herself a hat. It turns out the only one I didn't "put under a hat" is my mum, which is ironic 'cause she not only gave birth to me, but also taught me how to knit.
I'll be sure to correct this by next winter, and in the meantime, here's a hat I made for my mother in law:
Jako je slatka i efektna s ovim mašnicama (koje autorica patterna zove leptirići), mislim da je idealna mustra ako želite isplesti kapu za neku djevojčicu (naravno, u stereotipnoj pink boji). Fast knit, što no bi se reklo.
It's really cute with these bows that the author calls butterflies, and I think it's an ideal pattern if you want to make a hat for a little girl (of course, in stereotyped pink). A fast knit, one would say.
Inače, Dalmatinci u pravilu nose kape i rukavice samo na zimovanje. Kad me vide u punoj opremi, redovito komentiraju "di sam se tako zabundala", iako je vani, npr. 2 stupnja i jaka bura.
Danas je, za naše pojmove, led ledeni, zovu i snijeg. I čujem ženu u dućanu kako govori "ja sam se obukla ko da sam u Sibiru". Znatiželjno se okrenem da vidim šta je ona to obukla: uz zimsku jaknu stavila je čak i - šal!
By the way, people here in Dalmatia wear their hats and gloves only when they go skiing. When they see me "fully equipped", I get comments "where are you going bundled up like that?", even if the outside temperature is around 2 degrees Celsius (35F) with a cold wind.
Today is icy cold by our standards, and we're expecting snow. This morning I heard a woman in a store saying "I'm dressed like I'm in Siberia". Curious as I am, I turned around to see what she was talking about: atop a winters jacket she had on her - a scarf!
To ćemo svakako ispravit do sljedeće zime, a u međuvremenu, ova je kapa išla mojoj svekrvi:
When someone knits all the time, like I do, it's really embarrassing if the winter comes, and someone in my family has to buy him or herself a hat. It turns out the only one I didn't "put under a hat" is my mum, which is ironic 'cause she not only gave birth to me, but also taught me how to knit.
I'll be sure to correct this by next winter, and in the meantime, here's a hat I made for my mother in law:
Jako je slatka i efektna s ovim mašnicama (koje autorica patterna zove leptirići), mislim da je idealna mustra ako želite isplesti kapu za neku djevojčicu (naravno, u stereotipnoj pink boji). Fast knit, što no bi se reklo.
It's really cute with these bows that the author calls butterflies, and I think it's an ideal pattern if you want to make a hat for a little girl (of course, in stereotyped pink). A fast knit, one would say.
Inače, Dalmatinci u pravilu nose kape i rukavice samo na zimovanje. Kad me vide u punoj opremi, redovito komentiraju "di sam se tako zabundala", iako je vani, npr. 2 stupnja i jaka bura.
Danas je, za naše pojmove, led ledeni, zovu i snijeg. I čujem ženu u dućanu kako govori "ja sam se obukla ko da sam u Sibiru". Znatiželjno se okrenem da vidim šta je ona to obukla: uz zimsku jaknu stavila je čak i - šal!
By the way, people here in Dalmatia wear their hats and gloves only when they go skiing. When they see me "fully equipped", I get comments "where are you going bundled up like that?", even if the outside temperature is around 2 degrees Celsius (35F) with a cold wind.
Today is icy cold by our standards, and we're expecting snow. This morning I heard a woman in a store saying "I'm dressed like I'm in Siberia". Curious as I am, I turned around to see what she was talking about: atop a winters jacket she had on her - a scarf!
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